Halnikar Hospital

Hydrocele Surgery:

Hydrocele Surgery:

A hydrocelectomy (pronounced “hi-dra-see-leck-toh-mee”) is a surgery that removes or repairs a hydrocele (pronounced “hi-dra-seel”). A hydrocele is a fluid-filled sac surrounding your testicle. It causes swelling in your scrotum, which is the pouch that holds your testes (testicles). You may need a bilateral hydrocelectomy if you have hydroceles around both of your testicles. “Bilateral” means that the condition affects your left testicle and right testicle.

Hydroceles can be scary because you can see them and they’re in a sensitive part of your body. They’re usually painless and sometimes improve without treatment. However, you should discuss any abnormality in your scrotum with your healthcare provider right away. It could be a sign of a more serious problem.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Men and people assigned male at birth (AMAB) may need a hydrocelectomy if they have an enlarged scrotum that doesn’t go away on its own. Healthcare providers may recommend a hydrocelectomy for anyone with a hydrocele, regardless of age.

In infants, a hydrocelectomy focuses on closing the processus vaginalis. The processus vaginalis typically closes on its own before birth.

In teens or adults, surgery may be necessary when the swelling from the hydrocele is painful, embarrassing or grows to a size that threatens the functions of your other genital tissues.

A hydrocelectomy is a relatively common procedure.

About 10% of all baby boys, babies assigned male at birth, are born with a hydrocele. The hydroceles often go away on their own. If a hydrocele appears after 12 months of age, a hydrocelectomy is usually necessary.

About 1% of adult men and people AMAB will get a hydrocele.